Raising Our Celiac Kids or ROCK for short is support group developed by Danna Korn with chapters across the United States. Members of ROCK chapters get and give advice on all aspects of living gluten free whether you have celiac disease or another affliction which requires adherence to a gluten free diet.
I have already posted about ROCK before, but decided it was worth repeating for a few reasons. One, it is a fantastic organization and two I am wondering how many people are being told right now, "You really need to have your child on a strict gluten free diet.", and don't know where to begin. That was me just over two years ago. Well, ROCK is a good place to start. The organizer of the ROCK chapter I belong to was the voice of reason in the early stages of accepting that my child and I had celiac disease.
Don't hesitate, check the list on the link and see if there is a ROCK chapter near you. Call the organizer of the closest one to you. They can offer advice to you as your child goes back to school and a host of other issues.
This is Gluten Free and YOU because you are important and I appreciate you checking out my blogspot. Thank you and come again soon!
Gluten-Free Vegan Enchiladas
3 years ago