I must admit since being diagnosed with celiac disease I bake and cook more at home. Not just out of necessity, but taste too. My family and I really enjoy homemade food. That being said, I also enjoy the convenience of packaged goods especially when they taste oh so good.
Recently I joined a book club and everyone knows that book clubs usually share more than an interest in literary works, they share food. I like to bring snacks, yes so that I know there is something I can nosh that is safe, but I enjoy introducing gluten free foods to folks who may not know how delicious they can be.
That brings me to Enjoy Life Foods . To date, I have only had snack bars and cookies, but what I have had leaves me wanting to try more. For example the No-oats Oatmeal cookies and the Snickerdoodle cookies, yum! At the meeting of my last book club a friend brought the brownie cookies. Right away I noticed a significant change for the better. The brownies are now called "Soft Baked" Double Chocolate. Wow, what a difference! They are soft and moist. I have not had the Snickerdoodle or No-oats Oatmeal variety since the improvements, but I want to.
These cookies are delicious as is, but if you want to take them to the next level. Smear a generous tablespoon of your favorite frosting onto one of the cookies and then sandwich them by placing another cookie on the frosting. Oooo la la! (pictured above)
Not only have a friend and I brought these Enjoy Life "sandwiches" to book club; I have also sent them into my son's classroom as a treat. There is always someone who does not require a gluten free diet inquiring how to get a hold of these cookies.
I have spent so much time writing about the cookies I haven't mentioned the snack bar variety: Caramel Apple, Cocoa Loco, Sunbutter Crunch, and Very Berry. I recommend you try them all. Sunbutter Crunch is my favorite.
Enjoy Life Foods prints "Eat Freely" on their packaging and that is exactly what they have helped us to do. Congratulations Enjoy Life, you are now listed under the Top 20 products on Gluten Free and You. For those who don't know this label indicates my top 20 favorite gluten free products and/or brands. If I were diagnosed today these are the foods I would want to know about.
Gluten-Free Vegan Enchiladas
3 years ago
THOSE LOOK YUMMY! With Almond Buttercream frosting. HOLY MAN